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the gr8 mate

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Status Updates posted by the gr8 mate

  1. lvling up tourny accs 15m ea, if u want multiple ask for discount
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. osrssverige
    3. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      wellp, gonna work on sveriges n then lordbeks accs 1st) i dont think i'll have supplies for more
    4. Mieron
  2. Gonna be unactive whole next week, gonna drive to Tronfheim, Norway to watch some football with my m8s, so prolly gonna miss next week events #Rosenborg-Zenit
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Helpin


      come to my house i have a pool and loads off bitches i live in bergen! <333



    3. Helpin


      HEIA BRANN!!!


    4. priyen
  3. got wyvern task, i hop random world, i see this https://gyazo.com/957fa63fbf05ec46398e03529eb300fe 5 secs n he hops
  4. wtf is this? just me or for all of u : https://gyazo.com/dad76c3844ef2381d9f1420d8635a33b
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      yes, they're showing you how their screen looks. It appears that Oldschool rank members have their forums glitched out
    3. slawa
    4. Caz


      same for me
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the gr8 mate
    3. king Jimm

      king Jimm

      holy shit, been seeing you in raikesy's vids with no luck, glad your finally getting it
    4. Gnomes
  5. ya boy got cape :D
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      was one of the first ppls with the new mage cape


    3. bigpkwiener
    4. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      ya defo worth getting capes on dmm toruny, +15 mage att n def, 2% damage boost, and not hard to get if we mass out for it


  6. Lvling up tourny accs, 15M ea, got all supplies
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tom


      Yo dude, ill pay you for one? Ill supply email account n shit that cool?
    3. Tom


      itll be my 3rd, 1 mule 1 main 1 rag ranger :)
    4. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      ye cool, ill end up at like 1175 total or so, n leave some low stats as thiev n shit incase total goes up, pm me details @ tom
  7. Smh almost drove over fuckin reindeer, twice. Fuckin Sweeden how u live here lmao, literaly so many reinseers on the road
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gnomen


      i never see reindeer in stavanger
    3. bigpkwiener


      mostly deers here


    4. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      if you run over a Kangaroo, he'll show up at your camp site with with all his goons ready to box ya'
  8. Lmao just realized that i'am gonna spend my 25th birthday playing last day of tourny
  9. killed kid on my ironman at yannile sandpit: https://gyazo.com/253e2461cbe9b80e14e67df629f0b91f coudnt loot his shit so he came n looted it back
  10. Still taking accs for top 2k, 15mea, got shit ton of supplies left :D
  11. Taking orders on whips/trihard chins on tourny.Pm me. Wont sell any for gp during the tourny.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      @Slava id like to do everything on pms or poke me on ts
    3. Joel


      Paljo haluut whipistä, en pääs nyt ts tai rs
    4. the gr8 mate
  12. 2 accs done, ez.Rank 2k was 1151, u prolly can still get in tourny if u under that, ppls will get dqd so check ur message center before tourny, u might be in
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Help Where

      Help Where

      lol thats Priyen
    3. SLAY 2 SWAP

      SLAY 2 SWAP

      happend me to one of my accs previous tourney moved from 2013 to 1978
    4. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      Yep, was gonna say this too Gr8 m8.


      @Help Where don't worry bro, you'll most likely get in, last time they dq'd around 110 players and invited the new people who got pushed into top 2k hiscores

  13. just quick tip for every1 who doesnt know this: if u being attacked in multi, and u r not skulled, u can kill something low lvl like imp n insta tele
    1. Ali Tbeek
    2. Lorbek


      i used to do this when teams would hit me while chinning


      lorbek does it still work if a player is attking u or only npcs?
  14. some shit i bought for last week to give out https://gyazo.com/737171733a3811bdd04ddd9f3e62af5a
    1. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      btw im done with dmm this season, gave acc to my m8 ''stab'' hes leader of huge pvm clan, so if u want u can kick him from cc but hes trusted
    2. slawa
    3. Caz


      Make sure he doesnt die skulled and lose your stats
  15. 7th acc done, by far the best https://gyazo.com/4c2318529cc6b334b5d399138ddd39ca contact me if u need some accs to lvl up)
    1. slawa


      damn do you have a specific route you take?
    2. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      yah, but mostly same as cazz

      in his guide

    3. the gr8 mate

      the gr8 mate

      gotta get new orders, my fishing n wc needs to get lvl up on 07
  16. dmm beta 21st of June 2pm BST
    1. Ali Tbeek


      Hope i can make it last 2 ive placed 21 and 16. Still cant believe i lost to seani and tubby lmfao.
  17. Guys lets start practising on tourny worlds using gear that u will use on final hr on 1v1s
    1. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      Yeah now that we know the confirmed inventory supplies/food it should be really good to practice. Also ATTEND THE BETA ON MARCH 1ST!!
    2. Lorbek


      Another tournament would be sick
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