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Status Updates posted by Aminuz

  1. waiting on deadman
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bigpkwiener


      If u one day do, i would expose your ass for all the shitposts about blacks lmfao;)
    3. LiT Mikky

      LiT Mikky

      ali hacks my acc and posts
    4. bigpkwiener


      that would be next level
    1. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      bro the clip got deleted before i had a chance to see it T_T
    2. LiT Mikky

      LiT Mikky

      ... that clip is a nig my dude
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aminuz
    3. findthyway


      you're killing me lol


    4. findthyway


      it was even more funny when I opended it because a utube guide was playing seemed like introduction lol
  2. me and the boy @Ali Tbeek just chillin
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aminuz


      @Ali Tbeek got full karils just need some ah peices and im guddi
    3. findthyway


      nice imagine if they did this in tourney lol


    4. Caz


      shit items lmao
  3. been pking singles on 07 quite a bit, if anyone is interested hmu for the off season
  4. Ace msgs me on discord asking fora 100m loan. yh right l-0l
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Victim
    3. bigpkwiener


      i wouldn't loan him 25m even if he was in the clan. how does he expect 100m when he has left? x)
    4. Storms


      is ace alexander "ace rs" in the ts, or is the someone else?


  5. AS of today weed is legal in canada =D
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caz


      Ace with the content??
    3. Vos


      ace is actually retarded LOL
    4. Ace Alexander

      Ace Alexander

      I am not retarded I baited an entire clan of bosos.


      And I am in differential equations which is a high lever math class so.


      I'm no retard.

  6. Hello friends, can anyone collatarel me dhcb for couple days?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      Those items hold sentimental value
    3. Aminuz


      @bigpkwiener with raids 2 coming in 2 days the prices of items like that are going to change a lot so its not worth in that sense
    4. Aminuz
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Death Sr

      Death Sr

    3. priyen


      damn i dont even remember myself saying that
    4. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      yeah i don't either,

      you aren't a patriot.

    1. Caz


      rumor has it Aminuz has smoked many bong hits to this song
    2. Play LMS

      Play LMS

      high council and council colors should switch
    3. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      no i like them as they are
  7. rip lil lonnie
    1. Gnomen


      rip yung nibba
  8. New season of fortnite, Hyph
    1. LiT Mikky
    2. Gnomen


      mikky u is autist
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