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Status Replies posted by Caz

  1. Wish i could play with you guys unfortunately working full time doesn't allow me enough time. Goodluck guys
  2. Jagex made yet another DMM blog
  3. Jagex made yet another DMM blog
  4. Jagex made yet another DMM blog
  5. Jagex made yet another DMM blog
  6. Jagex made yet another DMM blog
  7. zzzzzzzzzz dmm seasons still gonna be dead af
  8. 23 days until dmmt, time flies man
  9. Atlas dmm private server online at Noon eastern and brid tournies will follow a few hours later
  10. Loot from 50 revs on atlas, my leak in a clan sent me this, https://gyazo.com/e13591dc0d9173aba906b2075a694517
  11. We did a LIT+EX pk trip today at rev caves, thought we'd smash out BGS smiting before today's update. At the time, CT and REV were having a massive war, so we followed them around, sat north in singles and began smiting kids for their +1's as they were heading to the war. Eventually they caught on to what we were doing, and stopped bringing +1's, but for 5 hours of the trip, these kids were clueless, and naturally, in a big 60v60 rag war, their entire TS server is muted except a few, so the muted noobs we were killing couldn't even warn their team about the smites, and the waves of returners kept coming in and we kept hitting it. Shit was hilarious. Loot Pic Down Below:
  12. Smoked CT Ionori, forgot his name i think that's how you type it. Poor guy said "go back to DMM" I dropped a #SIT instead of #LIT but he knew who I was. They know who came knocking. https://i.gyazo.com/e913c5aa8d7124806abe4369bf2291ed.png humbled him.

  13. Gf got hacked for all this https://gyazo.com/b6df5eb4a2f0f717394f267f561d463f , pin protected bank though
  14. vos ur moms a whore
  15. look at this warrior ''no sleep yet aka king dani'' taking the lead but dieing 5 people before 1v1's smh https://gyazo.com/3dc8b1e2aef1d6e715ebaec781b69d7e
  16. Im online right now giving out FULL DECKED OUT qualifying kits... there's still enough time left
  17. Im online right now giving out FULL DECKED OUT qualifying kits... there's still enough time left
  18. So bored on rs... Nothing to do feel like taking big break till something fun comes. Fucking boring.
  19. How do you guys feel about doing a qualify event, where we all create a fresh account, bond it, and all use the same supply kit. Same items, same 6 hour pvp protect, and all on the same journey. A quest to reach 1200 total level. Jump on ts and follow the leader in grinding out total levels. Would be fun. Lets set a date?
  20. today is my birthday.
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