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Ali Tbeek

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Status Updates posted by Ali Tbeek

  1. Who's having issues connecting to the teamspeak?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex1


      I'm not the only one?
    3. Jacked Trump

      Jacked Trump

      What port number are people in using.
    4. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      Meeting will be in 10minutes, you aren't too late. You've got time, get it fixed, keep trying
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Caz


      I use to play rs back in 07-08 at the local library (tell the parents I'm spending time outside so I could get extra hours) and I'm still good friends with 2 people that did the same shit
    3. Bennie


      Caz is prolly one of those guys in this clan than id hang with irl
    4. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      You too Bennie
  2. Why do you play Private Servers? Pking is not dead: https://twitter.com/KempKor/status/1003765199810236416
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      it sucks balls for us, me and @Help Where used to pk daily and we always ran into the exact same people day in and day out, and just when things got intense or wildy was picking up a bit, we had to log out it was already 3am and we've been up for hours searching :(
    3. Caz


      I use to get drunk and go hunt the kids at lavas on my level 65 nh pure but besides that I cba searching the wildy for loot that sucks
    4. bigpkwiener


      Rev caves is alive, and if u go anywhere else than vsquare u can find bridfights. Only raggers go vsquare
  3. Yo, just woke up. Fell asleep with the stream open. Shout out to the guys kicking fucking ass out there. I wasnt awake for their 2nd fight, but they beat Wiggled's team. Everyone doubted and shit talked but LIT marched onto the Arena and whipped out their cocks on the playing field and said "doubt me now"
  4. Yo, who's entering this PvP Competition? 400M Prize, 3M entry. @Lorbek @Stacy @Vos @LEMONLIME -- https://twitter.com/PRISON_RS/status/978491256136445952
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. slawa


      @Lorbek you literately just had to click the link to find out. Sign up in our public discord - https://discord.gg/zzGVJbq

      April 1st - 10 A.M. CST

    3. Ari
    4. king Jimm

      king Jimm

      why didn't you tag me , obv choice to win tbh


  5. You have 2 days left to Qualify. Read #Announcements section on LiT Discord. Make sure you have 1,400 Total Level. DMM Worlds will cut off on Thursday!
  6. You know what would be a cool idea. If we had a section on forums where we could ask questions anonymously. An appear anonymous section where you say w/e you want, no consequences. It'll allow a platform for retards to voice their opinions without and prejudice or bias -- and the freedom to say anything you like, that you previously were afraid to say.
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ali Tbeek

      Ali Tbeek

      Ace's post might've been received better if it was written by a higher rank or a more liked member. The benefit on anonymity is it eliminates prejudice and bias


      For instance, when Priyen writes something he's instantly shut down because a few people already hold the opinion that he's retarded

    3. DylanD


      @Caz l000000ll0lllll you funny :P


    4. DylanD


      @Caz i'd say if you were to make such thread than you'd have to be able to monitor it and make sure no one being over excessive only positive criticism that we can take to better each other or squash beef etc...
  7. You know who i miss? @Its_Glitched and @Tom. Where the fuck have they been. The tournies where they played were fun.
  8. You're not a true American if you don't know and love George Carlin
  9. Youtube autoplay found me a random song, and its surprisingly good :
  10. Zaros in 4 days. Fresh server. It will be really active for the first few weeks. Worth trying. Lets go
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