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[Fall 2021] Deadman Mode Tournament [#16] ~ WE WON $62,000!!


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This was the 16th official DMM (the 15th was only $1k technically so idk if it really counts). This DMM you did not have to qualify and it was the first tournament with significant prize pool that lasted a whole month. This DMM there was NO multi stage however allied with Element and Frontline we dominated the literal 1000 man ROT+OT+TATA+CD+BARK+DL+TS+EX+ST+CL alliance (2 and a half 400 man clan chats)! They tried to lock down Corp beast so nobody besides them could get Elysian Spirit Shields and it did not go well for them AT ALL. We spent the whole month long tournament TORTURING THEM. Our alliance members at Frontline and Element ended up not only clutching out the win with the Elys we helped them earn, but also won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th as well as 1st and 2nd in the Re-run! Totaling over $60K USD!


If you have any images/videos of your PoV feel free to PM me/post it and I'll add it to the topic.

Finale Videos:




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