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    F2P2007 reacted to Keky for a status update, 1) Current RSNs : 81999 2) Previous RSNs : H5M, Abstance, AlMazro3i, 1L, H9M 3) Locat   
    1) Current RSNs: 81999
    2) Previous RSNs: H5M, Abstance, AlMazro3i, 1L, H9M
    3) Location & Timezone: Dubai, GMT 4+
    4) About yourself: I Enjoy NH staking/outlasting opponents rather than any other style of PKing.
    5) How active are you on RS?: Active enough to PK, Join tournaments.
    6) How did you find out about Lethal Intentions?: Heard about it from friends who join DMM’s.
    7) Do you have a pure/main? If so provide a screenshot of the stats?: Yes i got all brackets, 2 maxed pures: 1st account: 60atk/99str/1def/99rng/52pray/99mage/99HP
    2nd account: 75atk/99str/1def/99rng/52pray/99mage/ 92HP
    ZERK: 60atk/99str/42def/99rng/52pray/99mage/99hp
    MED: 75atk/99str/75def/99rng/77pray/99mage/99hp
    MAIN: 2091 TTL.
    😎 Have you played DMM Before? If so, which DMM(s)?: Not really, Havent had the chance to join one due to not having a clan.
    9) Previous DMM usernames: N/A
    10) What do you usually do on DMM?:
    11) State all previous clans, teams, units, or communities that you have been part of or attempted to become part of: Led Spacebar for few weeks then closed it due to getting busy IRL, Joined TopG’s for a while, Currently status: solo.
    12) Do you plan on attempting to join Lethal Intentions? If so, are you aware that Lethal Intentions is an invite only DMM team and there are limited ways of getting in which can be found on the pinned topic in the introduction section titled "What To Do After You Intro" ? : Surely its a YES.
    13) If your answer to the above question is yes, why do you want to join Lethal Intentions and which of the 3 options listed will you be applying with?: To compete in DMM, i believe i could reach somewhere in the top.
    14) Who from Lethal Intentions do you know & how long have you known them?:Ive known alex for months, almost a year, i met few boys in there in NH tournaments, idk if they can vouch.
    15) Have any Senior+ offered to refer you? If so who?: N/A.
    16) To be an active member of Lethal Intentions you must be idling our public discord: https://discord.gg/NzT4NdV . Are you currently idling our discord?:
    17) What is your discord ID #?:
    18) Have you followed us on twitter @LitRsCom to stay up to date on current happenings? https://twitter.com/LitRsCom If so what is your twitter name? [if you plan on joining then THIS IS REQUIRED]: Yes.
    19) Have you followed us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHjlVhGE3tKfNILC2ubNnw? If so what is your Youtube name? [if you plan on joining then THIS IS REQUIRED]: Yes.
    18) Additional comments:
    Would love to be part of this community and compete in DMM’s.
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